Here is a sample collection of the best funny moments form the web today.
Our friendly neighbours across the Atlantic provide much humour, note spelling Americans, with this first picture. To be fair, the UK is becoming just as bad for retarded liability cases. Judges should force people to take responsibility themselves! This is a hilarious set of internet comments, off reddit.
The next is an awesome video clip of longboarding in New Zealand on the Bombay Hills. The speeds this longboarder gets up to are amazing, all with traffic, including large trucks on the roads. It takes incredible skill to longboard, and real guts to try it on open roads. New Zealand is the place to do most extreme sports, and longboarding is no exception it seems.
And finally, if you are going to put flames on the side of a pickup truck, make sure its the right time of flame... Thats the graphic type.
Images courtesy of